'Hustle' Title Sequence
This project got me stuck into motion graphics and was my first taste of animation. I recreated a title sequence for the BBC hit show 'Hustle' within its brand guidelines and thoroughly enjoyed flaunting my creative side whilst gaining fundamental technical abilities.
Bath Spa Students' Union
Working with the SU, I've assisted in various projects to support their marketing and communications. This was an animation that I created for the 2024 Sabbatical Officer Elections. It was displayed throughout the university and Students' Union to encourage students to vote.
Fair Game
My first undergraduate short film which landed me my first taste of producing films. This psychological horror was a great basis of leaning key techniques and grammar surrounding narrative, composition and post-production skills.
Bertie the Silly Sausage Dog
Created in my second semester at university, this heartwarming dogumentary focused on a support dog at Bath Spa University and his impact on students. This project taught me basic documentary techniques including communication, organisation and interviewing the public.
Bath Spa's Sustainable Brunch
This TikTok was made in collaboration with Bath Spa University's environmental department. The aim of the video is to show the university's focus on sustainable living, specalising here on Fairtrade food. Creating the project, we aimed to inform audiences about the vast use and afforability of Fairtrade products.